Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Connecting to Desktop VLC

In this guide you will learn how to connect VLC Direct Pro Free with VLC Player (installed in Windows, Linux or Mac). Once connected, you will be able to stream all kind of media content (videos, music and photos) between PC/Mac and Android devices.

Before you start, you must have installed VLC Player in your PC or Mac. You can find it <HERE>

If you have installed VLC 2.0.1 or VLC 2.0.4, please uninstall it and install VLC 2.2.4 because 2.0.1 and 2.0.4 versions crash when streaming to Android.
Other versions that work fine: ,, 2.2.0, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4

Once you have installed VLC in your PC or Mac, you must configure VLC to connect with VLC Direct Pro Free

No matter whether you have VLC installed in a PC, Linux or Mac OSX, the player needs to be started with some specific parameters in order to be able to connect with VLC Direct Pro Free and stream media to and from Android.

If you have VLC installed in Windows, we recommend you to use VLCDIRECT.BAT script which automatically configures VLC to connect with VLC Direct Pro Free. You can find it <HERE>


Running VLC from Command Line

If you are a Linux or Mac OSX user, or if you simply want to have full control of the VLC startup process, you can use the command line approach.

The parameters to be used will depend on the version of VLC you have installed.

To run the commands required to start VLC with parameters you must open a terminal. In windows you can do that in Windows->Search->cmd<enter>

Running VLC 1.1.x series from command line

VLC will start the web interface listening in port 8080, if the port is used, it will try with 8081 and so on until it finds an available port.

Be carefull because VLC won't tell you in which port is actually listening. VLC Direct Pro Free will try to find it in port 8080, but if VLC listens in other you must change it in VLC Direct Pro Free->menu->settings->Manual Configuration->Web Interface Port

You can check on which port is VLC listening from your web browser:

the one which returns an xml response is the port to be used.
Another way to know the port is with the VLC messages log:

The good thing about VLC 1.x series is that the program only requires one parameter:

Here's the command line to execute for all operating systems supported:

Windows (32bits):
"C:\Program Files\VideoLan\VLC\vlc.exe" --extraintf=http
Windows (64bits):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLan\VLC\vlc.exe" --extraintf=http

vlc --extraintf=http
Mac OSX:
/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC --extraintf=http
Parameters Description
  • --extraintf=http: Automaticaly enables the web interface

Configure and run VLC 2.0.x from command line

By default, the web interface in VLC 2.0.x series are only accessible from localhost. To allow VLC Direct Pro Free connect to the VLC web interface, you need to configure VLC to listen for remote connections (i.e connections from LAN or Internet).

If you see the messages log of VLC you will see something like this when you enable the web interface:

Note the lines that start with "restricted... ". This means VLC is only listening only for connections coming from localhost.

By default, the configuration file that must be edited is named .hosts or .host, and it is located in the following paths depending on the operating system:

Windows (32bits): C:\Program Files\VideoLan\VLC\lua\http\.hosts
Windows (64bits): C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLan\VLC\lua\http\.hosts
Linux: /usr/share/vlc/lua/http/.host
Mac: /Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/share/http/.hosts

Note that you might need administrator (or root) privileges to find, modify and save the file.

Once you find the file, open it with your favourite text editor, and make it look exactly like the text below. Please note the ashes (#) in the begining of the lines.

# ------------------------------------------------------------ START OF THE FILE -----------------------------------------------
# Access-list for VLC HTTP interface
# $Id$

# localhost

# link-local addresses

# private addresses

# The world (uncommenting these 2 lines is not quite safe)
# ------------------------------------------------------------ END OF THE FILE -----------------------------------------------

Then save the file, restart VLC, enable its web interface and run the Automatic Connection Wizard in VLC Direct Pro Free.

After this change, you should see in the VLC messages Box this lines:

Note that this time appears more "restricted... " lines. This means VLC is also listening for connections from any privated network:,, and

VLC Direct Pro Free should find VLC now.

Important Notes:
This configuration presumes you have your PC/Mac and your android device both connected to the same wifi router. That means both devices are in the same LAN, sharing the same network.

Once you have VLC properly configured to listen to remote connections, run VLC using the following parameters:

The following are the command lines for each operating system

Windows (32bits):
"C:\Program Files\VideoLan\VLC\vlc.exe" --rtsp-timeout=99999 --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080

Windows (64bits):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLan\VLC\vlc.exe" --rtsp-timeout=99999 --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080 
vlc --rtsp-timeout=99999 --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080

/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC --rtsp-timeout=99999 --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080
Parameters Description
  • --extraintf=http:  Automaticaly enables the web interface
  • --rtsp-timeout=99999: Solves a problem that appears since VLC version 2.0.0, which stops streaming from PC/Mac to Android after a few seconds (60 seconds in v2.0.0 to v2.0.7 and 15 seconds in v2.0.8+)
  • --http-port=8080: Defines that Web Interface will listen on port 8080. This port must be setup in VLC Direct Pro Free->menu->settings->Manual Configuration->VLC Web Interface Port
  • --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2:  Helps VLC find the correct audio codecs for streaming. Without this parameter, streaming from PC/Mac to android will probably show a codec error window in VLC or the videos will have no sound.
Running VLC 2.1.0 and newer from command line

There are a lot of changes between VLC 2.0.x and VLC 2.1.x versions. Good news is that since VLC 2.1, there's no need to edit files to make VLC reachable from VLC Direct Pro Free. But now it requires a HTTP Password to access it. This password can be setup inside vlc (use vlcdirect as password):

Note: The default HTTP Password used by VLC Direct Pro Free is "vlcdirect", so in the following parameters the http-password is always configured as "vlcdirect" so you don't have to change anything in VLC Direct Pro Free.

If you want to use another password, please remember that both passwords must match, so change it in both places: In VLC (with the parameter or in the GUI) and in VLC Direct Pro Free->menu->settings->HTTP Password.

Another way to setup VLC parameters is from command line. To start VLC properly configured use the following parameters:


The following are the corresponding command lines for each operating system:

Windows (32bits):
"C:\Program Files\VideoLan\VLC\vlc.exe" --rtsp-timeout=99999 --http-password=vlcdirect --sout-avcodec-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080
Windows (64bits):
"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLan\VLC\vlc.exe" --rtsp-timeout=99999 --http-password=vlcdirect --sout-avcodec-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080
vlc --rtsp-timeout=99999 --http-password=vlcdirect --sout-avcodec-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080
/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC --rtsp-timeout=99999 --http-password=vlcdirect --sout-avcodec-strict=-2 --extraintf=http --http-port=8080

Parameters Description
  • --extraintf=http: Automaticaly enables the web interface
  • --rtsp-timeout=99999: Solves a problem that appears since VLC version 2.0.0, which stops streaming from PC/Mac to Android after a few seconds (60 seconds in v2.0.0 to v2.0.7 and 15 seconds in v2.0.8+)
  • --http-password=vlcdirect: Since 2.1.0, VLC uses a password to authenticate connections to its web interface. This password must be setup also in VLC Direct Pro Free->menu->settings->VLC HTTP Password
  • --sout-avcodec-strict=-2: Helps VLC find the correct audio codecs for streaming. Without this parameter, streaming from PC/Mac to android will probably have no sound.
  • --http-port=8080: Defines that Web Interface will listen on port 8080. This port must be setup in VLC Direct Pro Free->menu->settings->Manual Configuration->VLC Web Interface Port


  1. I can't stablish the connection between my android device and the vlc interface, when i go to the command line it appears an error as follows

    xxxx@xxxx ~ $ vlc --rtsp-timeout=99999 --sout-ffmpeg-strict=-2 --extraintf http --http-port=8080
    VLC media player 2.0.8 Twoflower (revision 2.0.8a-0-g68cf50b)
    [0x9282d8] [http] lua interface: Lua HTTP interface
    [0x9282d8] [http] main interface error: socket bind error (Permission denied)
    [0x9282d8] [http] main interface error: socket bind error (Permission denied)
    [0x9282d8] [http] main interface error: cannot create socket(s) for HTTP host
    [0x9282d8] [http] lua interface error: Error loading script /usr/lib/vlc/lua/intf/http.luac: lua/intf/http.lua:333: Failed to create HTTP host
    [0x861108] main libvlc: Ejecutar vlc con la interfaz predeterminada. Use «cvlc» para usar vlc sin interfaz.
    "sni-qt/4567" WARN 12:59:54.846 void StatusNotifierItemFactory::connectToSnw() Invalid interface to SNW_SERVICE

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  2. You might have another process listening on port 8080. Try changing the parameter to 8081. If it works, then you have to use 8081 in VLC Direct Pro Free->menu->settings->manual configuration->web interface port

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  3. Password won't even work. Both have matching passwords, but still says it's the wrong password.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I'm getting video but no audio when streaming!?

  7. Hi. On Android I am getting message VLC found but the HTTP password is wrong. Passwords for both app and linux set to vlcdirect. Have tried this via config file and via command line on ports 8080 and 8081. Here is command line I am using on Ubuntu 14.04 with vlc 2.1.4 Android 4.1.2 by the way on Samsung GT-80120.
    vlc --rtsp-timeout=99999 --http-password=vlcdirect --sout-avcodec-strict=-2 --extraintf http --http-port=8081

    vlc2.1.4 doesn't seem to have a setting for http port in the GUI

    Strangely when I run vlc without any of the above options on 8080 I can see the web interface on the android tablet using Chrome with no password requested since original set even though I have changed it on linux box.

    Any further ideas?

    1. Hi Jaes, try reinstalling VLC Direct Streaming Pro Free. That usually solves the problem.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. no audio/no sound fix
    It's under Tools>Preferences, then I click All under Show settings, click on Video codecs under Input / Codecs, then FFmpeg . So it's: Tools>Preferences>Video codecs>FFmpeg . Under FFmpeg I scroll down to under Encoding and I go to Strict standard compliance and I set it to -2

    1. Thank you. Very helpful and it worked. Thanks again!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. someone, please help with audio not working in android mode, from PC to android

  13. How do you get all the files in a given folder on an android phone to play one afrter the other on a windows pc ?


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  15. My streaming works great, but will only play one song at a time, without continuation into next song on album or playlist. Is there something I am missing? If it doesn't play consecutively, it seems kind of useless.

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  18. Hi,

    This looks promising although I have not found yet the time to check it. I am trying to find a way to stream video from VLC running on media PC to a wireless android projector, on my home network. Do you know if there is a way to stream the video over wifi but play the audio locally? I need this as my sound system is connected to the media pc and not to the projector.
    Thank you again for your time to develop this software, I'll update you as soon as I test it.

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  21. buenas tardes tengo un problema con la configuracion vlc. cuando le doy buscar vlc automaticamente. me dice que, tengo VLC encontrado pero es necesario establecer una clave. y luego me dice que para definir una clave http en vlc, ejecutalo con el siguiente parametro: --http--
    y la verdad no se a donde ingreso para ejecutar ese parametro y password, si alguien me puede colaborar por favor

    1. Que tal, yo no se donde Activar los "permisos para recibir las conexiones remotas" sin embargo puedo ayudarte en tu caso. Abre el vlc en la pc, verte a herramientas/preferencias, alli en el cuadro que se abrió vas a la parte inferior izquierda (mostrar ajustes) y seleccionas Todo. Buscas y expandes "salida de emisión", expandes "salida de acceso", click en HTTP y allí donde dice contraseña es que vas a colocar "vlcdirect" sin las comillas, espero haberte ayudado, si resuelves ayudarme tu a mi en mi caso arriba expuesto escríbeme al correo verascol@gmail.Com

    2. Que tal, yo no se donde Activar los "permisos para recibir las conexiones remotas" sin embargo puedo ayudarte en tu caso. Abre el vlc en la pc, verte a herramientas/preferencias, alli en el cuadro que se abrió vas a la parte inferior izquierda (mostrar ajustes) y seleccionas Todo. Buscas y expandes "salida de emisión", expandes "salida de acceso", click en HTTP y allí donde dice contraseña es que vas a colocar "vlcdirect" sin las comillas, espero haberte ayudado, si resuelves ayudarme tu a mi en mi caso arriba expuesto escríbeme al correo verascol@gmail.Com

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  24. I am trying to use this to stream from an app called showbox on my android.. I have vlc v 2.2.2 android version 5.0.. I have downloaded vlc direct free for the android..

    Can anyone help me out here

  25. Can I stream videos from my linux mint 17.1 pc via wifi router to my sony 3200 with VLC gui... Command line stuff is really a challenge for me.

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  30. No matter whether you have VLC installed in a PC, Linux or Mac OSX, the player needs to be started with some specific parameters in order to be able to connect with VLC Direct Pro Free and stream media to and from Android.
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  37. I tried running VLC in Fedora but it shows the video at 25% size in the top left corner. Any alternatives?

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  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Love the app, now much more useful than VLC Mobile Remote. Looks like all of your comments here are either complaints about playlisting—which may or may not remain relevant—or shit spam for warez, which you really oughtta extirpate.

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  44. I can't use vlc direct on my android phone hot 4 pls I need help

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  46. Sooo I'm to the point of the command prompt and I right click then select run az administrator then select yes as it says and it reports back

    *Finding VLC install location...
    found at C:\Program Files \VideoLAN\VLC

    Press [Enter] if you want to use VLC installed at this location or
    Write path manually and press Enter :

    "?as you can guess I press enter?" And sends back this....

    *Using installation path: C:\Program Files \VideoLAN\VLC

    *Configuring VLC for VLC Direct Pro, please wait...
    ___Checking administrator access rights...OK.
    ___Configuring host files...
    ___Checking file:

    And that's all it does what is the deal here? Point me in the right direction so I can stream with quality control.

    Thanks in advance

  47. Got it to work perfectly on the first try. Thank you for making this easy to follow the instructions and easy to understand.

  48. I can't connect my vlc 3.06 to my android device

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